"O mankind! WE created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous."                     

Glorious Qur'an: Chapter 49-Verse 13.

Sunday, October 16

Battle of Thoughts...!!!

Let me tell you a story. It is a story about a battle. A bloody battle that takes place every second of every day in all our lives.
The battle ground is ‘our own mind’ which is always a tricky thing as the way it works.
The hero in this battle is a ‘thought’ that emerges in our mind like a cute little bubble formed in water. This thought can be an Idea or a feeling or an urge or just an emotion.
If there is a hero, there should be villains too right (like a tamil masala movie). Yes, we do have villains.
Here the villains are ‘other thoughts’ which had also emerged from the same mind.

Now, if you could image our mind as a plain ground...calm, quiet & steady. Suddenly here comes the so called "thought" out of nowhere, drifting & moving around in a fixed path with a specific purpose. This flourishing ‘thought’ invites the attention of our full mind (irritating other thoughts) to nurture upon it since it do provide a certain level of ‘meaning’ & energy to act/initiate to nourish this 'thought' further. But the other thoughts (our villains) in our mind will not simply accept the idea of fulfilling this thought. Will it...??? It is just because, this so called 'thought' has to be justified with proper logic or an urge/longingness.

So… just imagine, once the calm, quiet & steady plain ground suddenly becomes a battle ground/field of many other thoughts like fully armed soldiers (with a commander to lead them) standing at both the sides, facing each other, shouting, crouching & craving to destroy the other. At times, one thought tries to attack the ‘base-thought’, some try to sooth & some to hijack the other. End of the struggle, whoever wins will have the upper hand & our poor ‘base thought’ (how noble it might be) tired & exhausted, will be at their mercy & at the verge of martyrdom. Here dies our idea/feeling/emotion within ourselves…ironically being murdered by us.
Now, once victorious, the villainous thoughts doesn’t try to create a similar idea/feeling/emotion/urge as the ‘base-thought’ had…but they simply run back to their ‘source’ & hide…waiting for their next turn/chance.

Oh! Human beings… blessed thee, who shall attain the stature of stress-less life, those who can independently control their thoughts or atleast part of it.

So… Actually, when somebody say that... this or that person is insane. I quite don't find a logic in that statement. I wish everyone could see through that person... crystal clear like the pebbles resting at the bottom of a calm lake… that the only liberated soul & absolutely sane brain around us might be that person's.

Or…did I also fall into the category of 'insanity'…??? 

1 comment:

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