"O mankind! WE created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous."                     

Glorious Qur'an: Chapter 49-Verse 13.

Sunday, January 30

Rain Rain Come Again...!!!

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain...."

Words will run short as it is too difficult to describe kerala in just a few words. 
Kerala, one of the most idyllic states of India, lies to the extreme southwest of Indian peninsula. It is flanked by the Arabian Sea on the west & the mountain ranges of the Western Ghats on the east. The state can be divided into hills, valleys, midland plains and coastal belts.
----India’s benchmark for success in Tourism----
Kerala - charmingly content with being itself, rich in culture, best cuisine & eye-soothing places rightly remains its pride. It offers everything to every traveler with its rivers, backwaters, endless beaches, honeymoon destinations, wildlife sanctuaries, slow-cool travel in house boats, stays in tree houses & finally being pampered with centuries of experience at practicing authentic ayurveda, often at traditional tharavad mansions that have been converted into beautiful resorts.

They Say...."Once you visit this place, it makes you find new new reasons to visit the place again…"

My 'little world' seen through my 'camera lens':