"O mankind! WE created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous."                     

Glorious Qur'an: Chapter 49-Verse 13.

Friday, February 4

Trip to As'Seiffah.

A long-silent-twisting drive. That was all I wanted on the dark-skied day of 21st Jan, Friday. Thanks to Zaheer who took me to "As'Seiffah" - a place 25-30 kms inside from Yiti Beach - & the drive was coooooolllll...!!!

Actually the plan was to feel the ups & downs of the river-side roads where Zaheer had been before many times. But on the way we had a change in plan since we met this guy (a Balushi Omani - name Anonymous) & his indian girlfriend who wanted us to join them on their trip to "Samakk" (a special sea-viewed restaurant serving exotic fishes & located in As'Seiffah).

We weren't having any special plans & what we had planned before was very limited, which made us to say "Yes. Why not?" & the trip went out real fun. Especially the 'scenes' created by our friend with couple of localites. The situation really got heated up when this 'guy' bashed his car on another localite Omani's car & then we got surrounded by many. I saw Zaheer's forehead getting sweat in between the 'scenes' while trying to melt the ice though I was busy studying the people & taking couple of pics.
(yeah... I know what you are thinking now...!!!) 
They say, pictures 'speak' eloquently than words. I hope you guys will enjoy the same:
Ruwi High-Street. Hardly we get to see this (otherwise a thick-packed) street so deserted.

 The very best Samakk Restaurant.
Rain Drops getting ready to split the sky asunder.