"O mankind! WE created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous."                     

Glorious Qur'an: Chapter 49-Verse 13.

Monday, January 17

Are we all basically Insane...???

Human Beings...!!! After all, what are we...??? There had been various definitions given by many, at different times, according to their understanding. Though all these 'high-level-thinking-geniuses' tried to define the same thing, the theories always get conflicted. Human being, trying to define another human being, but gets contradicted by the theory of another human being, who also tried to define a human being. How ironic... isn't it...?

The grudge & hatred towards one another prevailing in today's world makes us to think that there is nothing common in us which may bring us together though we (the human race) all have genetic structure & the mind potential 'the same'. Killings are like an ever-lasting violent movie which takes us from one brutal scene to the next brutal scene without even any slight hesitation. The screams of the oppressed & helpless been heard everywhere but being left un-heard. Nobody cares unless they being one of the oppressed. How come WE, the self-boasting (as being the most civilized), let this utter un-civilized animal acts to happen & do nothing about it. Is it because WE are being 'made' like this or is it the world changed (according to the circumstances) us to be like this...???

It is not the 'survival of the fittest'. We shouldn't legalize these barbaric events with a simple tag - 'fight to survive'. It is not the basic instinct of survival which leads the people to violence but in fact it is 'greed/jealousy' which blinds us & hand-tie us to pity-glance or to stretch a helping hand.

In Qur'an it says, human beings are the best creation of the Lord Almighty. And highest of the highest is their mind (or thinking capability) which makes us different from all other creations. Though all other living creations have got 'brains', it is WE who has the distinguishing capacity between various possibilities & to judge / decide which is good or which is bad. And it further says, GOD had created us in different forms, nations & tribes so that we may honor & distinguish each other (but not to despise one another) & the most worthy among you is the most righteous & pious.
In Bible it say's WE all are God's own children, protected by the GOD himself, for it is for our sins Jesus (P.B.U.H) had to suffer the Crucifixion with which WE all are healed.
An Advaiti (those who follow the ideology of 'Advaita') says, WE ourselves are the GOD & WE can find the traces of GOD in ourselves & in everything that exist in this universe.
An atheist(By the way I must say, I have immense respect towards an atheist since his atheistic ideology is the proof that he is different from those of conventional religious followers & actually he is using his brain to a certain level to understand the purpose of his being "him"), "there is no GOD who controls everything & need to neglect his (or its) existence & the only ultimate truth is 'human value' which has to be considered. Science is everything & there is nothing that science cannot explain.

Let us agree to all of them...But still I wonder how many of them understand the 'true sense' of humanity. What should be our goal in serving the fellow human beings & what is the limit / criteria of being good to others without being hurt or exploited...???

I personally think, that, there is only one (& only) thing which can be tagged to every human being... the presence of insanity...!!! Though the level of insanity may vary from person to person according to the circumstances & consciousness, but still it is the only stable characteristic of a basic human which will come-out of him fully fledged, at times, how much he may pretend the other way around.
Someone once said, "the difference between a genius & an insane is thinner than the thickness of our ear-drum".
So am I be wrong, if I believe that there is an insane 'own-self' present in every one of us waiting to burst out against the odds. Who knows...!!!