Note: This post of mine was posted in Oman Forum as per the link given above.
For those who blatantly gulp the 'vomits' of reputed media:
It is high time for the The international community for universal humanity to think, after all these killings & mass murders, what did they (the pretentious international policemen states) gain...??? Is the world any better...??? except for the fact that 'they' spilled TONS of innocent blood. (Not to mention the huge amount of WMDs & nuclear weaponry they seized from these counries). WTF fellas.
Yeah... forgot to mention... they did kill Osama (or atlest claimed to be) & fed his body to the poor fishes underwater.*
But the ultimate quest for a 'New World Order' with power & money remains where it had started in the first place. Good luck boys... Keep up the good work. Keep-on murdering & conquering more & more in the coming years... with the justification of providing justice & balance (obviously only to those countries where 'they' have hidden interests).
Ohh...yeah... BTW... ofcourse the world became better for George W Bush & Dick Cheney - former director of CIA & owners of Oil (& Construction) companies like "Zapata Corporation /*Harbinger Group Inc."
You see. That is what your problem is. If the blood being spilled is Muslim blood then you really don't give a damn & all you care is to desperately trying to defend (justify) these acts / aggression.*
So according to you if Muslims are killing other Muslims, will it justify the act of 'killing/spilling blood'. What about the right to breath & live for them...??? Is it a so least valuable thing for 'these' muslims (in your words) to be granted since they are being killed by the 'other' muslims.?
What happened to the Dark Angel I knew (the 21st century messiah) blaspheming about humanitarian rights.
I don't think thats the right way to think & take sides on. Whoever it may be irrespective of their religion, violence should be condemned (may it be by the government or any lunatic religious organization or by an extremist individual as what happened in Norway or the mass murders happened in Sri Lanka & Tibet).
With your permission, let me quote you a very famous ' vernacular saying' from my region. In today's world, even if someone slap his/her own mother, there'll be two group of people... one to oppose & the other to suppot & justify the slapper.
And BTW... these words like 'collateral damage' & 'friendly-fire incidents' are hard to digest for ordinary people like myself... And they are too fancy & convenient words for those western mass media to minimalize the impact of a disastrous incident. So try not to use it as much as you can since it always indicates to the result of a bad happening.
Wow... what a fantastic (out of the world) statement you brought out here.*Muslims*have killed*more Muslims*during those conquests done by your 'so called' American Government. Seriously dude. Do't make me laugh like this. I think you really need to take your 'pills'.*
You always talk about 'backing' self-statements with supporting docs. What about that rule of yours with your statement while I didn't put here my own opinion but a research done by a University.*
Who (may it be a company/individual) might have benefitted the most from all these attacks. May it be the construction Contracts, Weaponry business (selling to both the parties), Oil sector, Food & Medicine supply companies etc. And guess what... They couldn't find any Weapons of Mass Destruction & Nuclear weaponry nor the proof that Iraq had funded the september 11 attack by helping Al-Qaeida.*
What about the other side of the story. See how the media had 'fooled' the billions around the globe blindly lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction, Iraq's links to Al-Qaeida & Saddam's threat to the world blah blah blah.*(Now you may simply call it a conspiracy theory since you 'maynot' have heard this on BBC & CNN...
Note: This post of mine was posted in Oman Forum as per the link given above.
For those who blatantly gulp the 'vomits' of reputed media:
It is high time for the The international community for universal humanity to think, after all these killings & mass murders, what did they (the pretentious international policemen states) gain...??? Is the world any better...??? except for the fact that 'they' spilled TONS of innocent blood. (Not to mention the huge amount of WMDs & nuclear weaponry they seized from these counries). WTF fellas.
Yeah... forgot to mention... they did kill Osama (or atlest claimed to be) & fed his body to the poor fishes underwater.*
But the ultimate quest for a 'New World Order' with power & money remains where it had started in the first place. Good luck boys... Keep up the good work. Keep-on murdering & conquering more & more in the coming years... with the justification of providing justice & balance (obviously only to those countries where 'they' have hidden interests).
Ohh...yeah... BTW... ofcourse the world became better for George W Bush & Dick Cheney - former director of CIA & owners of Oil (& Construction) companies like "Zapata Corporation /*Harbinger Group Inc."
You see. That is what your problem is. If the blood being spilled is Muslim blood then you really don't give a damn & all you care is to desperately trying to defend (justify) these acts / aggression.*
So according to you if Muslims are killing other Muslims, will it justify the act of 'killing/spilling blood'. What about the right to breath & live for them...??? Is it a so least valuable thing for 'these' muslims (in your words) to be granted since they are being killed by the 'other' muslims.?
What happened to the Dark Angel I knew (the 21st century messiah) blaspheming about humanitarian rights.
I don't think thats the right way to think & take sides on. Whoever it may be irrespective of their religion, violence should be condemned (may it be by the government or any lunatic religious organization or by an extremist individual as what happened in Norway or the mass murders happened in Sri Lanka & Tibet).
With your permission, let me quote you a very famous ' vernacular saying' from my region. In today's world, even if someone slap his/her own mother, there'll be two group of people... one to oppose & the other to suppot & justify the slapper.
And BTW... these words like 'collateral damage' & 'friendly-fire incidents' are hard to digest for ordinary people like myself... And they are too fancy & convenient words for those western mass media to minimalize the impact of a disastrous incident. So try not to use it as much as you can since it always indicates to the result of a bad happening.
Wow... what a fantastic (out of the world) statement you brought out here.*Muslims*have killed*more Muslims*during those conquests done by your 'so called' American Government. Seriously dude. Do't make me laugh like this. I think you really need to take your 'pills'.*
You always talk about 'backing' self-statements with supporting docs. What about that rule of yours with your statement while I didn't put here my own opinion but a research done by a University.*
Who (may it be a company/individual) might have benefitted the most from all these attacks. May it be the construction Contracts, Weaponry business (selling to both the parties), Oil sector, Food & Medicine supply companies etc. And guess what... They couldn't find any Weapons of Mass Destruction & Nuclear weaponry nor the proof that Iraq had funded the september 11 attack by helping Al-Qaeida.*
What about the other side of the story. See how the media had 'fooled' the billions around the globe blindly lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction, Iraq's links to Al-Qaeida & Saddam's threat to the world blah blah blah.*(Now you may simply call it a conspiracy theory since you 'maynot' have heard this on BBC & CNN...
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